At White Waltham we train people for the Private Pilot’s Licence and for additional ratings such as the tailwheel aircraft rating and the Instrument Rating (Restricted) (for use in poor weather).
The Private Pilot’s Licence – UK FCL PPL
The UK FCL PPL requires 45 hours training which includes at least 25 hours dual and 10 hours solo flying. General handling exercises are followed by circuit flying and navigation, which include your solo qualifying cross country flight. When all the training and examinations are complete a skills test flown with an examiner is your final step towards the licence. We pride ourselves in offering high quality instruction in a friendly environment.
White Waltham has three long grass runways so getting to solo standard should be easy. We always have a runway into wind!

Your Private Pilot’s Licence is your passport to a brand new exciting world. The best place to start is generally with an introductory lesson; to make a booking call Operations on 01628 823272 and they’ll be delighted to help.
Medical Requirement
Before you fly your first solo a Medical is required from a CAA approved doctor. This is straightforward, and is broadly similar to that required for a life insurance policy. Anyone of average health should have nothing to fear from this medical.
The Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence – LAPL (Currently not available until Brexit issues have been resolved)
The LAPL requires a minimum of 30 flying hours; 15 hours of dual training with your instructor and 6 hours of supervised solo flight. The remaining minimum of 9 hours may be made up of dual or solo flying or could be credited from other licences. The flying training shall include no less than 3 hours solo cross country time, including at least 1 cross country flight of at least 150 km (80 nm), during which 1 full stop landing at an aerodrome different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made. The LAPL allows you to fly within EASA European airspace in visual conditions only. A night rating can be added but not the Instrument Rating (Restricted) meaning that you are only able to fly in good weather.
Medical Requirement
For LAPL medicals, you will need to complete a form relating to your medical history as well as undergoing a physical examination. LAPL medicals are valid for five years for pilots under the age of 40, and for two years for pilots aged over the age of 40.
Ground School
Courses are held most weekends, and on weekdays by arrangement. These optional courses cost between £50 and £160 dependent on the subject and time required. We have a dedicated ground school instructor and most people obtain first time passes. Examination fees are £45.00 per written paper.
R/T Practical Test
White Waltham is now an approved test centre for the issue of the Flight Radio Telephony Operators Licence (FRTOL). All tests will be conducted on a computer based system and should be completed in about two hours. To book your test please contact Operations.
Written Examinations
During the course, student pilots will be required to pass nine multi-choice written examinations. These are as follows:
- Air law
- Human performance
- Meteorology
- Communications
- Principles of flight
- Operational procedures
- Flight performance and planning
- Aircraft general knowledge
- Navigation
There is also an oral exam on your particular type of aircraft. Although these examinations may sound somewhat daunting it is fair to say that none of the material is particularly difficult and students normally find it interesting and relevant. Some students prefer to prepare for these examinations through self-study, however, many prefer to attend our ground school lectures, which prepare students thoroughly for each paper.