Our runways have chalk centre lines, these are easily worn out and become damaged especially in wet conditions. Please avoid putting your wheels on the centre lines. Runway 03 is 45 metres wide please land to the left or right!
Runway 21 Left Hand
Circuit Map -Click to enlarge
Runway 21 – After take-off, maintain runway heading until past the noise abatement areas – do not overfly the Church, White Waltham or Waltham St Lawrence. Depart the circuit either straight ahead to South West until clear of the ATZ or from base leg to the North West. If departing from base leg remain at circuit height 800ft QFE until clear of Eastern part of the ATZ to avoid infringing controlled airspace at 1500ft QNH.
Runway 03 Left Hand

Runway 03 – At the end of the runway when safe,turn on to 010 degrees magnetic – on the downwind leg, aim for the lakes on the southern edge of the golf course. Keep the A4 road on the left as a guide for the crosswind leg. Leave the circuit either from the crosswind or downwind leg making sure you do NOT fly over any of the noise abatement areas to the north of the airfield – namely; Knowl Hill, Littlewick Green, Burchetts Green and Stubbings House.