Our runways have chalk centre lines, these are easily worn out and become damaged especially in wet conditions. Please avoid putting your wheels on the centre lines. Runway 25/07 is 45 metres wide please land to the left or right!
Runway 25 and Runway 25L
Circuit Map -Click to enlarge

Runway 25 and Runway 25L – Both these runways have left hand circuits. After take-off follow the railway line to depart from the ATZ avoiding Knowl Hill and the golf course. All turns should be made in the direction of the circuit (ie left) until clear of the ATZ.

Runway 07 and 07R

Runway 07 and Runway 07R – both these runways have right hand circuits. After take-off, when overhead the perimeter track and when safe, turn onto 090 degrees magnetic. Continue until East of Woodlands Park. If departing to the West or North, please do NOT over fly the Church, White Waltham or Waltham St Lawrence. Remain at 800ft QFE until clear of the circuit. Upwind LH departures are prohibited.