Pilot Information


Our runways have chalk centre lines, these are easily worn out and become damaged especially in wet conditions. Please avoid putting your wheels on the centre lines. Our runways are either 45 (25/07, 21/03) or 30 (29/11) metres wide please land to the left or right!

Local Flying Area Agreement Reporting Points Runway 21/03 Runway 25 and 25L/07and 07R Runway 29/11

Radio Channel – 122.605    Call Sign –  Waltham Radio Tel No 01628 823272

White Waltham Airfield is situated in a very built up area.  Although the airfield has been here for nearly 80 years, it is now nearly totally surrounded by a myriad of roads, railways and houses.  At West London Aero Club we take the issue of aircraft noise very seriously and have drawn up strict circuit and aerobatic procedures.   All pilots, whether members of WLAC or visiting, must read, understand and comply with these.  Please do not hesitate to call and speak to one of the instructors if there is anything you are not completely clear about.  Be considerate especially if you have a constant speed propeller.  Think noise abatement!

Location – Airfield Reference Point 510 30′ 03″N – 000 46′ 28″W (Mid point Runway 07/25) Elevation 127ft/39m 11.8 Nautical miles, bearing 2780 M from London VOR (113.6) 16 Nautical miles, bearing 2160 M from BNN VOR (113.75) 16.7 Nautical miles, bearing 0900 M from CPT VOR (114.35) 2 Nautical miles South West of Maidenhead


Landing Fees and Overnight Parking

Aircraft TypeLanding FeesOvernight Parking
Fixed Wing
Large Fixed Wing | PC12/C208£50.00£50.00

Fixed wing visitors uplifting 50 litres or more of Avgas will be exempt from the landing fee.

Arrival Procedures and Operations

Operations are open from 08.00hrs local and closes just after last landings, typically at dusk in the winter and 19.30 in the summer. The airfield is licenced from 0700z until 18.30z In the summer we close at 19.30hrs local. Closing times may be earlier if weather conditions are considered unsuitable for flying training. PPR is therefore mandatory.

We would urge every pilot, visiting or resident, to check the UK AIS Internet Briefing System website for NOTAMs and other information prior to their flight. The AIS Home page can be found here. You will need to register for the site and the registration page can be found here.

Arriving aircraft should report their positions in relation to, but not necessarily overhead, the appropriate visual reporting points:

Reporting points

November – Bend in the Thames, one mile north of Henley.

Whisky – Northern tip of the rowing lakes, North East of Reading

Sierra – Junction 10 of M4/A329M.

Aircraft should position to arrive in the overhead at 1,200ft QFE followed by a descent on the deadside to cross the upwind end of the runway at 800ft QFE to join the circuit pattern on the downwind leg. All fixed wing circuits are normally flown left hand except for runway 29 and 07 and 07R, which are normally a right hand circuit. Non radio aircraft are only permitted by prior arrangement and should check the signal square for runway direction before descending below 1,200 ft. When right hand circuits are in force a right angled red and yellow arrow will be displayed in the signal square. Please be aware that drone testing takes place at various locations within the airfield boundary up to a height of 400′ AAL and may be taking place at the thresholds of runways not in use.

Circuit Procedures

The circuit pattern, whether left or right hand, is flown at 800 ft QFE. Circuits must be kept accurate and always within gliding distance of a suitable field, and not outside the ATZ (no further east than the M4 junction 8/9). THINK SAFETY FIRST. The Eastern half of the White Waltham ATZ is within the London Control Area Class D airspace. Flights may take place without compliance with IFR requirements subject to the following conditions:

1.   Aircraft remain below cloud and in sight of the ground.

2.   Maximum altitude 1500ft QNH provided aircraft remain at least 500ft below cloud otherwise 1000ft QNH.

3.   Minimum flight visibility 3km.

White Waltham Traffic Zone

Be very careful not to stray into the the London Control Zone. Except for a very small portion of the downwind leg for RW 21 ALL circuits should stay North of the M4 and West of the A404M